Profile of a Baby Bully
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Name: Grace Koh Age / Gender: 3 weeks old / female
Character Traits: 1) Demands to be served with no delay 2) The words “patience” and "wait" don't exist in her dictionary 3) Hates to be alone 4) Grunts loudly when service isn’t prompt enough or up to her expectations 5) Booming loud voice 6) All plans and schedules must revolve around her 7) Needs to be cuddled, otherwise you will be treated to her incessant shrills 8) Loves to poo and create a huge mess especially while the father is in the process of changing her diaper
Her Triumph Card:
 Her coy smile (It has the power to melt hearts and erase all traces of her unreasonable demands made earlier)