Just the Three of Us
To My Form Class - 5B
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Scrapblog,Scrapbook,Super Dad

Dearest 5B,

No worries. I’ve not forgotten all of you. Pardon me for my late post. Though I’m on maternity leave right now, there are just too many things that needed to get done in case Grace decides to make her grand appearance earlier.

Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your cards and gift. I missed many of you last Thursday (hmm…self-declared holiday I supposed? = P), nonetheless, thank you for sending your well-wishes via SMSes.

Though fleeting, I’ve watched all of you grow and blossom into mature and sensible young adults over the past 3 years. Personally, you are like a rose plant. A rose plant may be filled with thorns, but you never bother about them; rather you think about the beautiful rose that you see in that plant. I just want to tell you that all of you are very special to me. I’ve learnt much from all of you and you have brought much cheer to me over the years. Thank you for embracing me as your English teacher and form teacher.

You have started this long and arduous journey 5 years ago, so end it well. Don’t give up now.

When things seem difficult
and life uphill
Don't look too far ahead
keep plodding on
And inch by inch
the road will shorten, till
The roughest patches
will be past and gone
And you'll look back
surprised and cheered to find
That you have left
so many miles behind
And very soon
the tedious climb will stop
And you will stand
triumphant at the top!

Prayerfully and Lovingly,
Mrs Koh