I’m a late bloomer when it comes to technology. When I first started blogging less than 2 years ago, the blog wave had almost subsided and everyone was already riding the crest of yet another wave – Facebook. Now that I have my Facebook account, people are moving on to Twitter! Oh, don’t get me started on Twitter. No offence to those who are Twitter addicts, but personally, it simply caters to people who can’t read beyond an utterly boring and meaningless 140 word post that says, “Just got back .. homed.” If you only have an attention span of a fruit fly, this 396 word blog post will probably send your mind to a shutdown mode. So consider yourself warned!
With the imminent arrival of our new family member, I’ve been contemplating about either keeping a blog or maintaining a Facebook account for her.
Blogging is undeniably more meaningful where both my husband and I will write a chronicle of her growing years, share our parenting struggles and hand it over to her when she turns 18 or 21 as a birthday gift. But supposing there’s a number two some years down the road, do we keep another blog for him/her? The gravity of the issue is not just about being fair to both children, but rather do we have the time and energy to maintain two blogs? To think that I’m already struggling with one now!
Some of my friends have chosen the easy way out. They set up a Facebook account for their child and upload all the photos online so that it not only serves as an archive; it is also a platform where their friends can get to see their babies’ photos as well. Yes, it’s fuss-free and definitely less time-consuming. However, my issue with information on Facebook is that it lacks certain context. Hence, there could be things posted on your friends’ walls that you really don’t know what they mean. Will the photos make any sense with little text to explain the milestones my child has achieved at that point in time?
Well, if time and energy permit, I’m more inclined to keep a blog. As I take up part-time teaching next year, I hope I will have more time to take down momentous pictures and videos of Grace, detailing the many milestones of her growing-up years. We shall see!