Baking in Progress
Thursday, February 26, 2009
 Yes, I haven't been updating my blog lately. Come to think about it, it has been almost 2 months. Well, I do have valid reasons for that. Here they go…
By now, our families and our close friends have already been informed about a bun that's currently baking in the oven. Hence, from this day onwards, you shall read about the chronicles of the next 26 weeks till the oven goes "DING!" some time in August.
The term "Morning Sickness" has taken a whole new meaning for the past 2 months. Strangely, the nausea plagues me mostly in the afternoons and peaks at dinner time. The faintest stench will bring on waves of nausea and send me retching by the side. I've never hurled so much in my life. It literally zaps me of every ounce of my energy. But thank God that my "Evening Sickness" allows me to go to school and teach in the morning so far. Otherwise, my graduating classes would have missed a lot of lessons (though I'm sure they would love to have me report sick so that they can have their free periods!).
Sleep is never enough. During the initial weeks of my pregnancy, I was capable of sleeping through the day, only to wake up for my meals. The physical discomfort was overwhelming and the only solution was to sleep it off. However, sleep isn't a luxury now that school has started. Consequently, I have to hit the sack before 9.30pm every night.
My cravings come in seasons too. First, it was Nasi Briyani and it got to be the one from Allaudin at Tekka Market. For a while, we toyed with the idea of naming our child after the stall if it's a boy. Hmm… Allaudin Koh. Sounds good? Second, it was and still is, the Golden Arches' double cheeseburger, followed by Fillet O' Fish and now, it's McChicken. Third, it's sushi (only the cooked ones though). I've had sushi the whole of last Sunday and yet I'm still craving for more. Amongst the other foods that I like are pizza, french fries, Ikea hot dog buns, Maggi mee with loads of tomato sauce (yeah, I know it's disgusting. Blame it on the baby!), Lor Mee with lots of vinegar and basically anything extremely sour or savory.
So far, the nausea-inducing list includes:
1) Fish (but fried/processed fish is alright) 2) Prawns (Again, it must be fried in order to be held down in the tummy) 3) Chocolates (surprise, surprise.. how I used to love them!) 4) Cakes 5) Room-temperature / ice water (weird, but it's true! Plain water has to be hot or luke warm)
I hope the list will stop growing. Or else, life will be pretty miserable.
Lastly, thank you all for your well-wishes. Some of our friends have been the most kind by wishing us "Good Luck" and "Welcome to the land of no sleep". Can't blame them…I guess they are speaking from their recent experience. = D