Visit to the Singapore Zoo (Part 1)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dear Grace,
7th June marks the first time you step into the Singapore Zoo. Grandma came along too, and it’s pretty obvious she did not really enjoy herself because of the humid weather! Well, we saw the parrots, white tigers, rhinoceros, asian elephants, kangaroos and some pigs (warthog I think). Both your mummy and I came to the conclusion that you are too young to really enjoy the zoo, you were too busy looking at people, rather than animals. Or is it because at your tender age, you do realize that its people that’s more fascinating than caged animals that are only dependent on humans?
We left after an hour plus because you fell asleep and it started drizzling. Whatever it is, we plan to bring you back again tomorrow.
Update: Shucks, it rained the whole day on 8th June, so the zoo visit was cancelled.