The Singapore Nightsky
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Dear Grace,
This is the time when you parents become cranky due to the lack of sleep from marking our mid-year examination scripts and taking care of you. The good news once that is over, the June holidays will come and it will be a grrrrreat time for you.
In fact, this week we have brought you out every evening, from your favorite Thomson Plaza to Ikea (Alexandra) and for the first time yesterday 20/05/2010, we (Dad, Mum, Grandma) visited the Marina Barrage.

This panorama picture of Singapore’s skyline is taken with Daddy’s new touch screen camera, not too bad eh?

A staring incident occurred in the car too. Ask me for the story when you read this sometime later in your life.
We have many more exciting trips in store for you…….YEAH!