Sleeping on the Shoulder of the Giant
Friday, April 2, 2010
 Recently Grace is beginning to fall asleep on my shoulders. She did do this when she was much younger, stopped for a while and now the habit is back. Another evidence of her being close to her father (she does not do it to her mummy) Or is it like what my mum-in-law suggested, she does it on me because it’s comfortable…meaning shoulders are well-padded with fats =(
Well, whatever the case, as long as Grace is comfortable.
A note from Mummy: Sometimes, the Husband will ask me in jest if I’m jealous of the father-daughter relationship he shares with Grace. Definitely NOT! Why should I be? In fact, I think it’s a good thing. The impact of a close father-daughter relationship is immensely powerful. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Grace will look to her father as a role-model, especially when it comes to what she should look out for in a life-partner in future. She will learn to compare all other men in the world to her father and she will not settle for anyone lesser than one who is the most loving, the most accepting, the most honourable and the most responsible (just like her father).
As the old adage goes, “When a girl grows up, she marries her father”. Hopefully, her life partner will reflect some of her father’s good characteristics.