Just the Three of Us
Grace's Standing!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dear Grace,

On 23/04/2010, I received a SMS from your Mummy. It reads:

Grace just stood up herself to take a toy from our bed. Show you the video later :)

A few issues hit me immediately when I read the SMS.

a) Hey my daughter is standing. Wow, she’s really fast.

b) Just too bad that I am at work and not there to witness the moment. Thankfully, your mother is teaching part-time now, so she can spend time with you. Please be very appreciative of the sacrifices that your mother has made and will continue making in order to groom you.

For the record, thank you dearest Mrs Koh, your first Mother’s Day is coming.

c) There was a time when Wife would greet me “Dear” first before she typed her message. But not anymore. Where is the love?

Mummy’s reply:
Dear Grace, please tell Daddy that Mummy had the onerous task of keeping a close watch on you (in case you fall), filming you in your momentous act, then messaging your Daddy while trying to stop you from grabbing my handphone and putting it into your mouth. Mummy loves Daddy as much as I love you. It's just that I’m still grappling with the art of multi-tasking.

d) Praise the Lord