Sentosa (9 - 11 June)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
 Dear Grace,
9th June: first visit to Sentosa + an overnight stay with the 3 families (Uncle Bad, Uncle David and Uncle Ernest).

This was a really watershed event for there were many first-times for Grace. To name a couple, it was Grace's first time spending a night away from home, her first time being so close to the sea water and her first time swimming in a real pool. She cried initally when she entered the pool, but thankfully, the crying didn't last very long and she started to enjoy the swim. This also meant we needed to pack enough clothes, toys and etc for 3 of us, and Papa must really say we did really well. Now there’s confidence to venture further. Malaysia next, yeah!
Uncle David was the organiser and he chose the Silosa Beach Resort . Ask him why next time, we have no idea. Our verdict, the website looks and reads better than the actual place, which is a pity for it’s pretty nicely done up. But service and maintenance are really lacking, and, your Papa had to demonstrate the dragon’s fire spewing ability before the receptionist gave us the room which we swooped for another later that day, so what do you think? Phew!
That aside, we had a great time. I mean YOU had a really great time. We swam in the pool, dinner at Hard Rock Café at the new Resorts World, walked along the beach, used the bath tub to soak twice and the highlight, night visit to Universal Studios . The theme park is really nicely done up so that's a plus for Singapore, just that good things do not come cheap, even a small packet of Garrett Popcorn is $6 a bag. But they tasted oh so good,
For those of you out there who have not visited RWS yet, what are you waiting for? :-)