"Survivor" (Season 1)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Much as the June break was a time of fun outings for Grace and us, it was also the start of the debut “Survivor” series (season 1). Well, it’s not the case of Heroes vs Villains, but rather Grace vs Dad & Mum.
To fill you in on the back story, Grace had been waking up for night feeds every 2 hours (i.e. 12 midnight, 2am, 4am and 6am) since February. Initially, we thought that she was hungry since she had yet to start on solids then. However, starting her on solids didn’t help at all. So, we came to the conclusion that she wanted comfort to soothe her back to sleep, and not truly hungry.
Determined to keep my sanity and to regain some semblance of my uninterrupted sleep, we decided to put Grace on the rigour of a crash course, that is, to cut down on her night feeds by the end of the June holidays. One of my colleagues was appalled at the radical measure I took of changing from a “milk buffet” to a “milk drought”. But call me hard-hearted or callous, desperate times call for desperate measures!
We officially launched the “war” in mid June. It was indeed a traumatic time for both Grace and us. We underwent 2 gruelling nights (about 2 -4 hours each night) of trying to outwit, outplay and more importantly, to outlast Grace. Fortunately, Grace somehow got the message that no matter how loud she wails, she was not going to get her milk. Well, I’m proud to announce that after 2 weeks of hard work, we managed to achieve some success by reducing her night feeds to just ONE! Three cheers for the Koh family!! We did it! At least, I get a 4/5-hour block of uninterrupted sleep now.
We could have persevered in our endeavour to wean Grace off the night feeds completely if not for the start of the school term this week. But consider yourself warned my dear Grace, the next concentration camp will be scheduled in December.
Stay tune for the Second Season of Survivor in December!
To Grace and us…Be strong and of good courage! We will survive!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Dear Grace,
A few old sayings that you probably will agree in time to come, “Time flies” and “All good things must come to an end.”
Well, the June holidays are over. Daddy and Mummy are back to work and all the playtime now must take a backseat. I have loads waiting for me at work and am taking a short break to pen this for you.
To recap this June 2010, we did the following: (a) Singapore Zoo (b) Overnight @ Sentosa + RWS (c) Mecure Palm Resort JB (d) Changi Airport
We will try to maintain this standard (or beat it) in the many holidays to come. But for now, we shall end this entry with a lesson on the need to wait http://www.buzzle.com/articles/waiting-and-bible-quotes-about-it.html
Changi Airport

The airport was an eye-opener for us too. Changi Airport is really huge. We only managed to see T2 and T3, and that is only because the viewing gallery in T3 is under renovation. The T2’s gallery is rather disappointing as it’s pretty small. But by the end of the trip, all of us (including Grandma) felt tired and were glad we brought the stroller with us.
The question at the back of our minds as we drove home was when will we fly out of Changi?
Dear Grace, As Mummy was looking through the photos we took at the airport, I thought this photo looked very similar to the one we took of you when you were barely two months old. I just can’t help but marvel at how much you have grown and changed over the past 10 months. Dad and Mum really hope you have enjoyed yourself this June. We can't wait for the next school holidays to spend more time with you.

A Tribute to a Super Dad
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sorry, this is way overdue. I could only do this bit by bit while Grace was sleeping. Happy Belated Father's Day! So moral of the story? Don't ever believe a chicken-seller!
Happy Father's Day
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Dear Grace,
20 June: my first father’s day! Memorable because it’s also marks the day you rejected formula milk. And also because your mother has started taking on the onerous task of weaning off your night feeds, which can be like twice-four times a night, something that was never a problem when you were much younger. Don’t you think you are over-doing supper?
I cannot wait for my princess to celebrate it with me in the years to come, not hoping for much, but just a bear hug, kiss and a simple I love you will do. But I was warned the chicken-seller on Mother’s Day that there is no such thing as Father’s Day. We shall see.
Sentosa (9 - 11 June)
 Dear Grace,
9th June: first visit to Sentosa + an overnight stay with the 3 families (Uncle Bad, Uncle David and Uncle Ernest).

This was a really watershed event for there were many first-times for Grace. To name a couple, it was Grace's first time spending a night away from home, her first time being so close to the sea water and her first time swimming in a real pool. She cried initally when she entered the pool, but thankfully, the crying didn't last very long and she started to enjoy the swim. This also meant we needed to pack enough clothes, toys and etc for 3 of us, and Papa must really say we did really well. Now there’s confidence to venture further. Malaysia next, yeah!
Uncle David was the organiser and he chose the Silosa Beach Resort . Ask him why next time, we have no idea. Our verdict, the website looks and reads better than the actual place, which is a pity for it’s pretty nicely done up. But service and maintenance are really lacking, and, your Papa had to demonstrate the dragon’s fire spewing ability before the receptionist gave us the room which we swooped for another later that day, so what do you think? Phew!
That aside, we had a great time. I mean YOU had a really great time. We swam in the pool, dinner at Hard Rock Café at the new Resorts World, walked along the beach, used the bath tub to soak twice and the highlight, night visit to Universal Studios . The theme park is really nicely done up so that's a plus for Singapore, just that good things do not come cheap, even a small packet of Garrett Popcorn is $6 a bag. But they tasted oh so good,
For those of you out there who have not visited RWS yet, what are you waiting for? :-)
Visit to the Singapore Zoo (Part 1)

Dear Grace,
7th June marks the first time you step into the Singapore Zoo. Grandma came along too, and it’s pretty obvious she did not really enjoy herself because of the humid weather! Well, we saw the parrots, white tigers, rhinoceros, asian elephants, kangaroos and some pigs (warthog I think). Both your mummy and I came to the conclusion that you are too young to really enjoy the zoo, you were too busy looking at people, rather than animals. Or is it because at your tender age, you do realize that its people that’s more fascinating than caged animals that are only dependent on humans?
We left after an hour plus because you fell asleep and it started drizzling. Whatever it is, we plan to bring you back again tomorrow.
Update: Shucks, it rained the whole day on 8th June, so the zoo visit was cancelled.