Addicted to Grace
Thursday, October 21, 2010
 I'm so in love with Papa!
Recently, the Husband and I had to attend a wedding dinner of a close friend. To put it on record, that was the most elaborated wedding I’ve ever attended and most probably in my lifetime. We expected the dinner to end late, so we decided not to bring Grace along. Actually, I was secretly delighted as this would be the first time that the Husband and I had some couple time ever since Grace was born. We thought we could enjoy the night without having to fuss over Grace. We were wrong. We started to miss her even as we were walking to the car.
The Husband: I feel something's missing when Grace’s not with us. Me: Yes. I miss carrying Grace’s diaper bag too.
As we were afraid of waking Grace up when we returned that night, we put her with my mum in the other room. You would think that the Husband and I could finally have a night of uninterrupted sleep. On the contrary, we didn’t sleep very well either. We missed Grace terribly that night. We had half the mind to carry her over to our room when we returned home at midnight. However, fearing that we would disrupt her sleep, we resisted that fleeting thought.
We realised that Grace has become so much a part of us that we are incomplete without her. Right from the start, we have always made it a point not to overburden my mum with the caring of our gal unnecessarily. We just cannot bear the thought of leaving Grace with mum while we take the night out to enjoy ourselves. At present, the Husband and I will take turns to have some “ME” time to go fishing, shopping or meet up with our friends every now and then. Other than work and the occasional time-offs, every waking minute is spent with Grace.
We heard of how unwise it is for a couple not to spend time alone with each other. On the contrary, Grace is the cement that holds our relationship together. In fact, we love each other more because we appreciate the sacrifices that we have made for the family. We have never been closer and happier.
To us, it was a conscious decision to start a family 2 years ago and we are determined not to go anywhere without Grace. If there’s a place or function that’s not child-friendly, we will give it a miss unless absolutely necessary.
Come end of the year, we are going to bring her to Phuket! We haven’t gone for a proper holiday for 2 years. Gosh… how I miss the smell of the aircraft! I hope Grace will enjoy herself there too. Will update our adventures AND misadventures when we are back. = D