The Water Baby
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Dear Grace,
Today is the start of the 2010 year end holidays. And to ensure you start this period of adventure with a bang, we brought you to Civil Service Club to swim. We have not brought you swimming since June because of the terrible Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) that was spreading like wildfires from July. Thankfully, that has kind of stopped (for now).
Well, you are obviously a water baby. I am not just being the proud parent here, but seriously, there’s no fear in you about the water. You even wanted to walk around the baby pool without me holding you, but I am not as confident as you are. Expectedly, you wailed when we took you out, but not as bad as I expected (I hear worse ones when you Grandma or Mum takes you out from the bath) and you are napping like a log now as Papa is writing this. Haha.
More adventures to coming your way! 