Grace, Jia you!
Monday, October 11, 2010

In the age of Facebook and Twitter, blogs seem to be losing its popularity these days. Uploading pictures with short captions seem to be so convenient and almost instantaneously, one can share photos and bits of their life with friends in a matter of a few minutes. Undeniably, the lure of this quick-fix to journal Grace’s life is great, especially when the Husband and I have very little time even to rest. We have been so busy that we don’t even have the time to formulate a thought. Nonetheless, we will persevere as far as we can to take time to pen down Grace’s developmental milestones.
In terms of physical development, Grace is pretty much on track. To name a few off-hand, at 13 months, she’s toddling around (unassisted) the house like an inspector, playing football and throwing balls in the living room, clambering onto the sofa and bed when no one’s watching, singing (you’ll have to imagine the melody yourself though) and dancing to music, etc. The “Happy Birthday” song and “Nobody” by the Wonder Girls are her all-time favourite.
While Grace is not meeting her speech and language developmental milestones as quickly as her physical ones, I think she’s still making great progress. At present, if she’s caught in the mood to talk, she’s able to say a few words like…
1) Mama 2) Nai Nai (Grandma in Mandrin) 3) flower 4) egg 5) map (all thanks to Dora, the Explorer) 6) red 7) black 8) bread 9) ya (her version of ‘yes’) 10) wait
We can’t wait for her to talk more so that we can be spared of trying to decode her babbling or making out what she’s pointing at.
Grace, jiayou! Mama shall endeavour to talk and read more often to you!