Reservoir Visit #1 (Lower Pierce)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Time flies. It really does pass by so quickly, especially for us, the adults, with so much to do.
The students will feel differently about this for the majority cannot wait for your time in school to end. Well, be patient, your time will come, what is important is for you to ensure that when it comes, you are in a position to maximise the available opportunities instead of looking back in regret.
For the March holiday week, Grace got to visit the Pierce Reservoir. The water levels were pretty low, due to the dry spell that Singapore had in the month of February. I believe it was one of the (if not the) driest month ever for Singapore.

The beach visit was put off because the dry spell is apparently over. The rains have come, and always in the afternoon and evening periods, affecting Grace’s outings. Well my dear daughter, not to worry, the visit will come; in the meantime, you just need to wait patiently.
For the record, Grace went without a poop for some time this past week, almost 5 days to be exact, but the good news is that stage is over. Thank God.
Too gruesome for us to post the aftermath, just imagine the accumulation over 5 days. Yucks!