The Art of saying 'Sorry'
Friday, April 30, 2010
Dear Grace,
Upon deeper thinking and reflection, Daddy is going to start writing a series of letters here on Mummy’s blog dedicated to you. Actually, all my previous posts were either about you or consist of certain moral lessons that I want you to learn from. But just in case it is not explicit enough.
Today’s post is about a very humane and difficult topic of making mistakes and more importantly admitting to the mistakes we make. People find it tough to admit their faults and some live in perpetual self-denial because to admit mistakes means a loss of face and pride and the need to compensate the victim in terms of apology/time/money/effort.
I too have made many mistakes in my life and I believe it is inevitable that I will continue to make mistakes in my personal and work life. What I hope distinguishes me from others is that I will admit mistakes I make and to make-up as best as I can.
So dear Grace, be brave and do the right thing when the time comes.

Just for Laughs
Monday, April 26, 2010
I was trawling the internet for some laughs for my 3NA class when I came across this website .
If you have the time, do take a read. I highly recommend it, and if you don’t have the time, perhaps you should ask yourself why you are always in a hurry?
These are the ones I like:
a. He who laughs last thinks slowest.
b. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
c. We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse.
d. Eat right. Stay fit. Die anyway.
e. The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.
f. The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
a. Duh… I need to say anything more?
b. No such thing as no guilt or never committed any sin. This is why we seek forgiveness.
c. Haha…I do hope Grace does not think so. This is really for the pessimists. I will prefer to focus on the beauty in our lives, but still I have to admit, this does affect us from time to time.
d. The perfect excuse not to exercise? The difference between the fit and the flab is when they die, period.
e. The ultimate insult to the “people” I have to meet.
f. Sometimes, being the fastest may not be the best
Reservoir Visit #3 (MacRitchie)
Friday, April 9, 2010

We continued with our quest to visit all the reservoirs in Singapore. To date, we have visited the Upper and Lower Pierce Reservoirs. Over the Good Friday weekend, we visited yet another reservoir - the MacRitchie Reservoir. Though we enjoyed the serenity, the surroundings were dripping with humidity. All of us ended up clammy with perspiration after a short 15 minutes walk. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop us from snapping some photos! The Husband complained in his earlier post that he didn’t have any nice photos with Grace. Well, I hope I’m finally vindicated by these photos! Hey, on some days, I do have an eye for photography too!
Stay tuned for our next reservoir visit!
Reservoir Visit #2 (Upper Pierce)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

While Grandma had her usual dry swimming session on Sundays, we took the opportunity to take Grandpa out for a walk at the reservoir with us. Recently, Grace picked up a new trick. She seems to understand the meaning of “sayang”. Whenever we tell her to “sayang” us, she will put her head on our shoulders, apparently to give us a hug. Looks like she’s playing a cards right and scoring many brownie points with everybody!
A Real Foodie
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Another update to my previous entry, it is confirmed that Grace is a real-foodie. Unlike what I have heard, she cries during feeds not because we are making her eat, but more so because we are slow in feeding her, and when the food runs out. It does worry me slightly and Wife (a lot) that Grace may become supersized when she grows older. Won’t lah right?
Sleeping on the Shoulder of the Giant
Friday, April 2, 2010

Recently Grace is beginning to fall asleep on my shoulders. She did do this when she was much younger, stopped for a while and now the habit is back. Another evidence of her being close to her father (she does not do it to her mummy) Or is it like what my mum-in-law suggested, she does it on me because it’s comfortable…meaning shoulders are well-padded with fats =(
Well, whatever the case, as long as Grace is comfortable.
A note from Mummy:
Sometimes, the Husband will ask me in jest if I’m jealous of the father-daughter relationship he shares with Grace. Definitely NOT! Why should I be? In fact, I think it’s a good thing. The impact of a close father-daughter relationship is immensely powerful. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Grace will look to her father as a role-model, especially when it comes to what she should look out for in a life-partner in future. She will learn to compare all other men in the world to her father and she will not settle for anyone lesser than one who is the most loving, the most accepting, the most honourable and the most responsible (just like her father).
As the old adage goes, “When a girl grows up, she marries her father”. Hopefully, her life partner will reflect some of her father’s good characteristics.