Time Flies!
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Last night, my church celebrated her 35th anniversary. Attending the dinner has become a yearly affair ever since I was baptized. I truly rejoice with the church and I thank God for shaping Bethany to become a church where His Word serves as the foundation and cornerstone.
Personally, I have never liked attending dinner functions due to the need to make small talk with acquaintances. This dinner was rather different though, as my good friend Waifong attended with her baby son, Ernest. However, they were held up by the crazy weekend evening traffic in Orchard area. But of course when they finally did, Ernest quickly became the centre of our attention.
From http://www.thinkbabynames.com/, I discovered that the baby's name actually means "serious; determined; sincere." Mmmmm, come to think of it, the other Ernest we know, Ernest Vai (currently HOD of St Hilda's Primary), certainly possesses all these qualities. Do check out what your name means and see if it fits you.
Coming back to baby Ernest, he is a lovely boy; mild-tempered and charming in his quiet way. He has certainly grown since the days where he fell asleep in my husband's arms 2 years ago. Now, I can hardly carry him for 5 minutes without feeling any strain.

These pictures were taken 2 years back. Look how much he has grown!
May the Lord continue to watch over him and bless his life abundantly!
Wee's Birthday Celebration
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Recently, we celebrated one of our friend's 40th birthday. Like us, Wee and his wife YH are both teachers as well. Wee is current HOD in ADSS, and YH is in RGS. Just a short advert for the man of the moment, he is the driving force behind ADSS's robotics successes. Happy birthday Wee......and many more to come.
That's the famous chocolate cake from Jane's Cake Station. How does it taste? Makansutra's verdict is "Die die must try", my verdict is "Try already then can die".
As for the childish MIB (man in black), that's Joel, another good friend, who obviously does not behave like a 31 year old. By the way, he's single and funny (and an ex-teacher too). Anyone with pretty aunts, cousins e.t.c, let me know (can get free Maths tution if your intro works, haha).
Bitten by the Cake Bug
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Recently, the cake bug has bitten us. For no apparent reason, my husband just told me he missed the kaya cake from Good and Rich Cake Shop and so, we zoomed down to Beach Road and bought 2 Kaya rolls. It took us 3 days to polish them off, and after that, he suggested buying the cake at Jane's Cake Station at Jalan Kayu. Being the dutiful and obedient wife, I raised no objections, went to Jane's and bought the cake for a friend's birthday. Oh along the way, we ate a prata each from Thavesi (Singapore’s Best Roti Prata Restaurant). So my dear students, if you noticed any weight change in my husband or me, this is the reason why.
Something to Think About
Received this from an ex-student and found it rather meaningful.
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
Traffic Stopping!
Monday, August 11, 2008

Last Friday, the school celebrated National Day by taking part in Connect Singapore. This picture was taken slightly before 12 noon when the students were getting ready to recite the pledge together. It was quite a scene as students stopped in the middle of the junction while motorists honked impatiently at the traffic junction.
Much to our dismay, after about a 2 hour wait under the hot sun, most of us missed the recitation as we couldn't hear the radio station clearly. By the time we knew that we had to recite the pledge, the whole event was already over. What a pity!
An Eventful Weekend
Monday, August 4, 2008

Our Saturday morning started off with a $70 traffic summon. Reason being: Parking within 6 metres of a junction. We were absolutely indignant about it because we saw that the other cars parking within a metre away from us didn't get any summon ticket. So why us?
To cheer ourselves up, we decided to go to one of our favourite haunts in Toa Payoh for dinner together with our Aunty and Uncle. Looking at the crowd, my husband decided to drop us off first so that we could place our order. Strangely, it took an unusually long time for him to join us at the table. When he finally arrived, he brought with him a really BAD news - He had locked himself out of the car!
Earlier on, my husband sent the car for a "spa treatment" on Friday. I guess the worker must have accidentally turned on the child lock while polishing the car. He was meddling with the lock when the car door slammed shut. We have a spare key at home. However, the problem was the house keys were locked in the car!
We ended up taking a cab to our Uncle's house, took his car, he drove us to my mum's place to get the spare keys we left at her house for an emergency like this, drove us to our house, get the car keys and went back to Toa Payoh to unlock our car. Talk about running in circles!
This is a classic example of Murphy's law: If anything can go wrong, it will.