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Happy Mothers' Day Mum!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Have you ever gone out to eat on a "festive" occasion and felt let down? This happened to us during a Lunar Chinese New Year lunch I had with my in-laws at a supposedly reputable chinese restaurant that lay claims to being the restaurant that "invented" Yu Sheng and Chilli Crab. To add insult to injury, prices are unreasonably exorbitant during such periods. Since then, I have learnt never to celebrate the special occasions whenever possible on the actual day itself.Being a typical Singaporean with the “Kiasu” syndrome, I celebrated Mother’s Day with my mum this afternoon. I mulled over the choice of venue for a few days before I finally decided to sho0t the arrow back to the VIP, my mum, to choose from our shortlist. Logic being if she made the call and the food fails to live up to expectations, the "blame" would not fall on my shoulders. My husband said it was quite a brillant move. Well, that goes without saying. = P To cut the long story short, the selected option was a buffet lunch at Intercontinental Hotel. The spread was average with the run-on-the-mill local fares like mee siam, bah kut teh, fried chicken wings etc. I wasn't too impressed with that, however, the desserts were good! ![]() The Banana Passion Fruit Cake (right) was excellent! Just imagine a cake with 3 layers (i think), chocolate, banana and passion fruit mousse, set in sponge cake. In case anyone thinks I am a glutton, we "skipped" dinner, only had black chicken soup that we brought home from my mother-in-law. Oops! Think I was so engrossed eating that I forgot to wish my mum Happy Mothers' Day. Haha... Oh, How I Love Saturday Mornings!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I love Saturday mornings. Other than the fact the I get to rest, I also get a refreshing change of my boring bread and tuna for breakfast.This morning, we headed out to our favourite breakfast haunt. Alexandra Village! ![]() I simply love the Soon Kuehs and the Ang Ku Kuehs here. ![]() Our favourite breakfast ![]() This Soursop Avocada fruit juice was so good that we had to stop by the roadside to take a picture of it before we slurped it all up! I'm Loving It
Friday, April 25, 2008
![]() We finally met up with a good friend of ours, Grace yesterday. Though it’s kind of mean, I’m secretly glad that her overseas teaching in Korea didn’t fall through so that we have more opportunities to chill over good food and some beer. But of course, I didn't drink yesterday. The ex-teachers did! Keke.. = ) Bruised
Thursday, April 24, 2008
![]() Yesterday, I met up with a friend of mine for dinner and she told me that a teacher friend of hers asked if there were any job openings in her company recently. She asked her manager and this was the reply from the manager. Friend: My teacher friend wants to quit teaching and is looking for a job. Are there any openings in our company? Manager: Yes! She could tutor my son! To be a teacher is often easier said than done. If there's anyone who disgrees, try it out yourself! Give Me a Break!
Monday, April 21, 2008
When we bought our flat, we were told that communal celebrations would usually be held on the large patch of grass in front of our block. We didn't think very much of it as we thought it wouldn't occur that often. I mean, how many deities' birthdays and Hungry Ghost Festival can there be right? Lesson learnt. We shall be more discerning in our next house purchase. A Tribute to a Great Leader
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Boss drives his men, The Leader inspires them. The Boss depends on authority, The Leader depends on goodwill. The Boss evokes fear, The Leader radiates love. The Boss says "I", The Leader says "We". The Boss shows who is wrong, The Leader shows what is wrong. The Boss knows how it is done, The Leader knows how to do it. The Boss demands respect, The Leader commands respect. So, which one do you want to be? I know of a God-fearing man who is an insightful leader, my ex Vice Principal – Mr Michael Lim. He is a genuine and humble man who is always willing to spare a moment to listen. He will painstakingly remember each of his teachers' birthdays and drop them a birthday greeting early in the morning before the madness begins at work. He's firm but never condescending. Personally, he isn't just a great boss and mentor but a friend as well. He was there at the lowest point of our lives. He was there to bring a word of comfort to us and laboured in prayer for us. He took the trouble to drive all the way to my school to give us souvenirs he bought from Hong Kong. That speaks volumes. He's one boss whom my husband and I will go the extra mile for because he will do likewise (if not more) for us too. We will definitely jump at any opportunity to work for him again. To have met Mr Lim is the most wonderful thing that has happened to us since we started teaching. May God bless him and his family richly! A Must Watch!!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
![]() I’ve heard much about the novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and have been meaning to read it, but the cheapo part of me has managed to coax me into waiting for the Borders sale. However, all thanks to my husband, I managed to watch the movie this weekend. It was splendid! This movie not only gave me a glimpse of how beautiful Afghanistan is, it also gave me an insight to the strife between the Taliban and the people. The crimes committed against the helpless children and women folk in the midst of all the unrest are simply unspeakable. It may sound like propaganda to some, but a whole new sense of appreciation dawned upon me as I think about the peace and harmony that I’ve so frivolously taken for granted in my homeland. Set in the tumultuous times during the Russian’s invasion and the reign of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the story is about friendship, betrayal, and how the lies of the father brutally twist the fates of two young boys. I shan’t divulge too much of the story here. If you are going to watch this movie, make sure you have a box of tissue in the proximity. It’s a real tear-jerker! I’ve not cried so much over a movie since The Notebook. A Moment of Folly
Friday, April 11, 2008
Why does the heart grieve?Why did tears sting the eyes? Because they are good people. Because it was too painful to watch. Don't be too quick to condemn, because we are no better. Let's all learn from this, put it behind us and start afresh. They will always be endearing in my eyes. It was just a moment of folly and mischief. Nothing more. Arghhh....Serve Me Right!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I don't know what got into me on Monday. Initially, I only wanted to accompany my husband to the park. I thought I would just walk around the park while waiting for him to finish his run. I must be delirious that day. I actually JOGGED!!! Now, I'm suffering from the consequence of my impulsivity. My legs are aching pretty badly. Walking down the stairs has become one of the most arduous tasks for me. I can imagine what my husband will say when he reads this. "See, I told you. You must exercise!” Recently, I tipped the scales at 4*kg (since I’m a woman, I shall keep my weight confidential!). Must be all the binging in Bangkok! That probably explains why I had the impetus to jog on Monday. But all was done in vain! The prawn crackers that had been lying around the kitchen for the longest time was just too alluring and I thought I would just get rid of it last night before it became an eye sore. Just when I was done with the crackers, my husband suggested opening a new snack. Being a meek and submissive wife (haha), I did what I was told. He didn't like the snack and he only took TWO helpings. As for me, I was compulsively eating away while watching some Korean drama on TV. Before I knew it, one quarter of the packet was gone or was it half a packet? What's done cannot be undone anyway, so why fret over spilled milk? To end the binging session on a high note, I had some yogurt. It read "Non-fat" yogurt on the label. So which Habit of Mind is applicable here? Managing Impulsivity. I should analyse the pros (if any) and cons before I indulge in a binging session next time! (Oh dear, I must be marking too many newspaper reflections lately!) Team Hoyt - A Father's Love
Monday, April 7, 2008
The greatest power known to man is that of unconditional love. It is this agape love that gives the father a boost of dynamic and powerful energy to lift his son up in the most difficult times. I'm deeply moved and challenged by how he persevered to provide his son with every opportunity to "be included in everyday life" despite his physical limitations.Visit their official website to find out more about the father-and-son team. This is one video that moved me to tears. Is it really JUST an Opera?
Thursday, April 3, 2008
"He's just another William Hung." All Things Bright & Beautiful!
Though the Lasik surgery was an awful experience, I can't deny that the advent of such a medical technology has brought about many positive changes to my life.Last week, I finally bade farewell to those uncomfortable contact lenses which tend to cause eye infection. Also, gone were those embarrassing days of alighting from an air-con bus or car with my glasses fogged. Now, I wake up every morning to perfectly clear vision without having to grope for my spectacles. My vision has improved significantly over the week. Though I still suffer from a bit of dry eyes at times and see halos at night, I was told they will eventually go away with time. Keeping my fingers crossed! I still have another 12 years to go before long-sightedness sets in and I will need to wear glasses again OR to go for another Lasik surgery (that's if I'm crazy enough to put myself through the ordeal again). In the mean time, I shall just enjoy my perfect vision while it lasts! |