"Survivor" (Season 1)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Much as the June break was a time of fun outings for Grace and us, it was also the start of the debut “Survivor” series (season 1). Well, it’s not the case of Heroes vs Villains, but rather Grace vs Dad & Mum.
To fill you in on the back story, Grace had been waking up for night feeds every 2 hours (i.e. 12 midnight, 2am, 4am and 6am) since February. Initially, we thought that she was hungry since she had yet to start on solids then. However, starting her on solids didn’t help at all. So, we came to the conclusion that she wanted comfort to soothe her back to sleep, and not truly hungry.
Determined to keep my sanity and to regain some semblance of my uninterrupted sleep, we decided to put Grace on the rigour of a crash course, that is, to cut down on her night feeds by the end of the June holidays. One of my colleagues was appalled at the radical measure I took of changing from a “milk buffet” to a “milk drought”. But call me hard-hearted or callous, desperate times call for desperate measures!
We officially launched the “war” in mid June. It was indeed a traumatic time for both Grace and us. We underwent 2 gruelling nights (about 2 -4 hours each night) of trying to outwit, outplay and more importantly, to outlast Grace. Fortunately, Grace somehow got the message that no matter how loud she wails, she was not going to get her milk. Well, I’m proud to announce that after 2 weeks of hard work, we managed to achieve some success by reducing her night feeds to just ONE! Three cheers for the Koh family!! We did it! At least, I get a 4/5-hour block of uninterrupted sleep now.
We could have persevered in our endeavour to wean Grace off the night feeds completely if not for the start of the school term this week. But consider yourself warned my dear Grace, the next concentration camp will be scheduled in December.
Stay tune for the Second Season of Survivor in December!
To Grace and us…Be strong and of good courage! We will survive!!