The Wonders of Chocolate Therapy
Thursday, January 24, 2008
 I don't know why but I have been feeling really lethargic and down today. I couldn't think of anything that could have caused it. I slept well last night, my time table for today is pretty well spread out… basically it's just the usual, mundane stuff. After staring at my markings for 15 minutes, I decided that I should just take a break and take out the chocolate that I have deliberately placed in an inconspicuous spot in my cabinet for the longest time ever (disclaimer: this is based on my personal record). I have been trying very hard to refrain myself from consuming it for the past 1 month. Each time I feel like snacking, I will remind myself about the amount of calories, trans fat and saturated fat in that little bar of chocolate. It's sinful! So don't look at it! Close the cabinet! Give it away! Oh well… today, I succumbed to the temptation. *Sigh* I told myself I needed to perk myself up a little and somehow I managed to convinced myself that chocolate contains serotonin aka HAPPY HORMONES and I needed the happy hormones badly! The good news is, I did feel much better after that and I marked a few more scripts. So I guess those calories are worth it! Hmm… Come to think of it, my husband has some Ritter Sport Minis in the fridge at home. They have been there for a SUPER DUPER long time. Maybe I should just bring them to school before they expire! Don't waste! Argghhhh..... 9 more essays to go now. Press on!!!