Sec 3 Adventure Camp 2008 (16/1 - 18/1)
Friday, January 18, 2008

I went down to the Dairy Farm and joined my form class at the Adventure Camp. The students enjoyed themselves tremendously and I had fun too! I managed to take quite a number of pictures. Can't wait to show the class! Some of the shots are really hilarious! It's just a pity that the videos didn't turn out well. Most of the students enjoyed themselves except for one who was not comfortable participating in the physical activities. But I'm glad that he got better later on after all the encouragement from the teachers and students.
Day 1:

I thought this instructor was good. He made a point to make all the students speak in English and those who communicated in their Mother Tongue would have to be drawn on their faces as a forfeit. It worked!

Miss Lee and I joined in the game. We had fun!

This one was tough! I tried it and I was so glad my class caught me, otherwise I would have fallen face down!

Poor boys! Their hands must have hurt a lot!

This fish is mine! No, it's mine now! Meow!!!
After all the team-building games, the students were supposed to cook their own dinner outdoor. Though I know nuts about cooking, the way my class prepared their dinner was an eye-opener. Cooking rice (or is it porridge?) with the seasoning from Maggie Mee, Maggie Mee with baked beans, mixing eggs with oil together and put them over the fire, etc. I wonder if this is called creativity! I think the only dish that turned out pretty well was the fried fish fillet. Well, I just hope my Oreos could at least save some of them from starvation at night if dinner was a disaster! (that's if they managed to get back the Oreos from their instructor!).
While observing and participating in the activities, I discovered quite a few gems in my class. Some are natural livewires, some are really spontaneous and ever so ready to lend a helping hand to their team mates. I'm really glad that I was there yesterday. This camp really gave Miss Lee and I some idea of who to elect for the Class Committee.
Day 2:

What a pity! I had lessons in the morning so I could only join the class in the afternoon so I missed out a whole lot on the High Elements activities. When I arrived, Miss Lee told me about Chin Koon's misadventure in the morning. My heart went all out to him! I perfectly understand what he had gone through. I have a phobia for heights too! I wanted to check on him after he was back from kayaking, but I saw him joking and laughing with the class and the instructors, so I guessed he had gotten over it and I should not bring it up again just in case.
Chin Koon: I'm really proud of you! You have been extremely brave to face your own fears. I'm sure you will do better the next time round. You are one real livewire at the Camp! Ganbare!!
The next activity was the Amazing Hunt. The kids were exhausted and thirsty after the kayaking. They needed the toilet badly but were told to look for a 1cm ant, find all the colours of a rainbow, solve some riddles, etc, but a toilet! After that, they headed for raft building. When I left for the Dairy Farm, I saw them carrying the canoes back. The camp really roughed them up quite a bit. Poor things!
When I finally arrived at the Dairy Farm, I was told that one of my students was not feeling well. That got both Miss Lee and I worried. Fortunately, she was alright. *Phew*

Finally, it was the Camp Fire!!! 3/3 put up a good performance. I tried to take a video of their performance, but it was too dark. The video and photos at the camp fire didn't turn out well. *Sigh* The camp fire ended at about 11pm. The teachers were really exhausted. My clothes and hair were wet (from the rain), I was sticky, smelly and tired. At the end of the event, all I longed for was a real good bath and to hit the sack asap which I did eventually at 12.30am!
On the whole, I think the students had a whale of a time at the camp. I hope that through this camp, the students managed to know their classmates a little better. Though I do not expect the class to be miraculously united or bonded by the end of the camp, at least this is a good start!
3/3, feel free to download the camp photos... Enjoy the slideshow!