Tuesday, January 22, 2008
 Yesterday, I was pretty upset when some of the 4N students did not bother to complete the comprehension homework that I had given out last week. The infuriating fact is that some of them can't be bothered at all! The 'N' Level exams are just round the corner and yet, they don't have any sense of urgency to study hard. Even after some of the students were told to stand at the back of the class for not doing their homework, they continued talking and laughing amongst themselves, and some of those who were seated were simply staring into space or talking amongst themselves too. They claimed that it was the last period of the day, so they were listless. Well, to me, this is no excuse! The thought of their coming exams just frightens me, especially when they don't seem to feel any stress at all. I think I'm more stressed about their exams than them! They really don't have much time left. Their 'N' Level Oral Exam will commence in June, 4NA Prelim in July, and their 'N' Level exams in September! That's only about 6 months away from their Prelim! Can't they see that the national exams are not too far away?! Some of the teachers and I are simply exasperated! They just don't understand how worried we are for them. According to a research done by MOE, currently, 78% of Sec 4N students go on to Sec 5N after sitting for their āNā levels. I definitely want my 4B students to be amongst the 78% that do well enough to go on to Sec 5N next year! So my dear 4B, please pull up your socks while you still have time! I want to see all 39 of you in 5B next year! Start working on your studies now! There's no time to lose! It's URGENT!!!