Something Fishy
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A firm tug on the line and the spinning of the reel at high speed will send any angler into frenzy with his adrenaline pumping wildly. We went sail fishing at Rompin 2 weekends ago. I managed to catch the magnificent sight of the sailfish leaping out of the waters and flying in the air. They were truly awesome. Sailfishing is definitely not an easy feat. It requires oodles of stamina and brute strength in order to outlast the 20-30kg sailfish for at least 15 minutes. The fears of being dragged out of the boat by the sailfish or have your expensive fishing gear slipped out of your hands are omnipresent. (Some first-rate fishing gears can cost up to a few thousand dollars!) Regardless of all that, the sheer ecstasy of heaving the sailfish out of the water is mind-blowing. Question: Where was I amidst of all the excitement? While the others were battling with the sailfish, I was completely knocked out from 8a.m to 5p.m. on the boat. I was literally immobilized. Any amount of exertion would send me retching at the edge of the boat. Unfortunately, I was a victim of the dreaded seasickness. Being sea-sick is one of the worst things you will ever experience in your life. It's a combination of the worst car sick, worst roll coaster ride, the worst hangover and guess what? This is just half the agony and misery of being sea sick! You seriously don't want to experience that. So consider yourself warned! The scrumptious seafood dinner was my only comfort at the end of the day. Despite being out of action, I got to enjoy the fruit of their labour. We had lots of calamari and a rainbow trout (an expensive and rare fish)! Though I highly doubt that I would tag along for the next fishing trip, I can't wait for my husband to bring back all his prized catches!