A Surprise
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
 I received a pleasant surprise last weekend when I was out shopping. At that time, one of the shops was having some discounts for their members but since I wasn't a member, I was prepared to pay the full price. However, what came next was something I wasn't prepared to hear. Cashier: Are you are member? Me: No, I'm not. Cashier: It's ok. I'll give you a 15% discount because you were my teacher. What really touched me wasn't the discount I received. More importantly, it was heart-warming to know that some students actually remember their teachers and bother to acknowledge or greet them even when they have already left school. How time flies! She is the first batch of students I taught and now she is already out working. I think in no time, some of my ex students may even be getting married soon. Oh dear, I've really aged! My dear ex-students, If our paths do cross one day, please pardon me when I don't remember your names. Just do me a favour by jotting my memory. I will be more than happy with just a simple "hi" and to know that all is well with you. = )