Squeak... squeak...
Friday, June 6, 2008
What happens when the cat is not around? The mouse comes out to play!!! Muahahahaha After sending my husband to the airport yesterday morning, I have 3 full days of “Me Time” before I meet up with him on Sunday in China. Since I have the entire house to myself, I took the opportunity to invite my secondary school friends over to my place for dinner. Our lives have certainly changed a great deal over the past few years. Waifong is already a mother, Jeannie runs her own business and Yeeling will be leaving for Japan soon for work. I'm really glad we are still in touch after more than 10 years! Sometimes, amidst all the hectic work schedules and family commitments, it can be quite a challenge to find time to catch up with old pals. Nonetheless, friends are still an integral part of my life and they are definitely worth keeping in touch with. Well, needless to say, we had a great time catching up with one another. We even took some fun shots and laughed ourselves silly when we saw how ludicrous we look. Here are some of the more "glamorous" photos.  Yes, call us and keep in touch, Yeeling! Take good care of yourself and more importantly, have fun in Japan! We will meet up again when you are back!  Hmm... think we are still pretty well-maintained after 10 years, isn't it gals? = P P/S My dear Mr Koh, if you happen to have Internet access and you are reading my blog post now, please do not think that you have been forgotten. I'm just keeping myself meaningfully occupied while you're away. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday! = )