High on Saccharin
Monday, May 5, 2008
 Recently while doing my usual grocery shopping at the supermarket, there was a promotion on Coke Zero and the promoter was offering Coke Zero for sampling. Though I don't fancy frizzy drinks, if I need to drink one, it has to be Coke and nothing else. Coke Zero is supposedly the healthier choice since saccharin is used in place of sugar. Saccharin is known to have no food energy and it goes directly through the human digestive system without being digested. Hence, it's a healthier alternative for people with a weakness for sugar. Unfortunately, I'm terribly spoilt when it comes to food. The metallic aftertaste of saccharin was just too overwhelming for me. For me to enjoy junk food, I must have it in its entirety, even if they are laden with trans/saturated fat or 8 teaspoons of sugar. After all, life is short. I must enjoy it to its fullest. I just have to make sure that I take everything in moderation and exercise regularly!