A Must Watch!!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
 I’ve heard much about the novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and have been meaning to read it, but the cheapo part of me has managed to coax me into waiting for the Borders sale. However, all thanks to my husband, I managed to watch the movie this weekend. It was splendid!
This movie not only gave me a glimpse of how beautiful Afghanistan is, it also gave me an insight to the strife between the Taliban and the people. The crimes committed against the helpless children and women folk in the midst of all the unrest are simply unspeakable. It may sound like propaganda to some, but a whole new sense of appreciation dawned upon me as I think about the peace and harmony that I’ve so frivolously taken for granted in my homeland.
Set in the tumultuous times during the Russian’s invasion and the reign of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the story is about friendship, betrayal, and how the lies of the father brutally twist the fates of two young boys.
I shan’t divulge too much of the story here. If you are going to watch this movie, make sure you have a box of tissue in the proximity. It’s a real tear-jerker! I’ve not cried so much over a movie since The Notebook.