Touched by Angels
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
A few of my students went to New York for a Band Conference during the March Holidays and came back with presents for me. It's heart-warming to know that they actually thought of me amidst all the fun they had. That is special.
Some of them were really adorable. They came up to me and watched my expression closely to see if I would cry. Well, I didn't but I promised that I would blog about them.
It's not that I have a heart of stone. I do appreciate their thoughtful gestures very much. I would tuck it carefully in a corner of my heart and relish these moments every now and then.
Personally, I think this is one of the significant moments for a teacher. The MOE often promotes teaching as a rewarding career. I do not deny that. However, the rewards do not come instantaneously. Sometimes, it takes years for students to understand your intentions and appreciate your chastisements. Sometimes, they never come to that realisation at all.
Nonetheless, as I focus my thoughts on appreciative students like these, I'm revitalised once again. Undeniably, teachers need to be given a pat on their shoulder occasionally. The cost or the types of gifts are immaterial. It is the thought that counts. A little "Thank-you" note works wonders too.
I must admit that monetary rewards from the Ministry do uplift a teacher's spirit to a certain extent because it serves as a form of recognition for the teachers' hard work. However, the joy that students bring to the teachers is immense and infinite. That, to me, already makes teaching a rewarding career.
Thank you Han Xuan, Ling Hui and Wai Yen for your gifts! (Disclaimer: This is in no order of merit! I just went by alphabetical order of your names.)
Here's a little note for all 3 of you!

Thanks Han Xuan for your "Dream Catcher". It's hanging on the blinds in my bedroom now. All thanks to your charm, I've been sleeping extremely well since I hung it up on Monday!

The chocolates are so prettily wrapped that I can't bear to eat them!! I will definitely savour them slowly. Thanks Ling Hui!

Dear Wai Yen, the quote on the bookmark is very meaningful. I love it! Thanks for the Godiva chocolates too! They are very yummy. = )