Love Is In The Air
Thursday, February 14, 2008
 It's Valentine's Day today. Many pupils were giving out little notes, chocolates, sweets, flowers, biscuits, scented flowers, etc in the morning. Some of my pupils even started folding straw hearts and paper flowers for V Day in January! If only they are as hard working when it comes to their studies!
Strangely, I have never felt any excitement about V Day, even when I was a student or when I just started dating. To me, V Day is just an overly-commercialised day. The retailers will try to cash in on the occasion by selling gifts at ridiculously high prices. Despite the exorbitant prices the restaurants are charging for a Candle-light Valentine's Set Meal every year, reservations will be full and the queues outside the restaurants will be never ending. Town will be one area my husband and I will stay clear of on 14 Feb every year! Well, if you are wondering how the unromantic and pragmatic Mrs Koh is going to spend her V Day, here's the BIG plan!
Just like every other Thursday, I'll be staying in school till 6.30p.m as I'm down for Choir. After which, my husband will pick me up from school and we will head down to my mother-in-law's place for dinner. As for the Grand Finale….. we are going to the movies with our friends!
Just in case you think that my husband is a boring, unromantic, heartless and thoughtless man, he's definitely not! We have our fair share of romantic dinners and delightful moments on non Valentine's Days. As for now, he's working very hard to make sure that our Grand Canyon holiday at the end of the year is going to be…... MAGICAL!!! Did I use the right adjective Mr Koh? = D
Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day to all!